The game score
ITODANI Tetsuro | HABU Yoshiharu | ||
1 | P-76 | 2 | P-34 |
3 | P-26 | 4 | P-84 |
5 | P-25 | 6 | P-85 |
7 | G-78 | 8 | G-32 |
9 | P-24 | 10 | Px24 |
11 | Rx24 | 12 | P-86 |
13 | Px86 | 14 | Rx86 |
15 | Rx34 | 16 | B-33 |
17 | R-36 | 18 | R-84 |
19 | R-26 | 20 | S-22 |
21 | P*87 | 22 | K-52 |
23 | S-48 | 24 | S-72 |
25 | K-58 | 26 | S-23 |
27 | G-38 | 28 | R-24 |
29 | Rx24 | 30 | Sx24 |
31 | R*84 | 32 | P-74 |
33 | R-82+ | 34 | Bx88+ |
35 | Sx88 | 36 | B*55 |
37 | B*46 | 38 | Bx46 |
39 | Px46 | 40 | B*14 |
41 | B*36 | 42 | S-25 |
43 | B-47 | 44 | P*36 |
45 | P-16 | 46 | Px37+ |
47 | Sx37 | 48 | S-26 |
49 | Bx14 | 50 | Px14 |
51 | P*33 | 52 | N*33 |
53 | B*83 | 54 | B*94 |
55 | Bx94+ | 56 | Px94 |
57 | B*83 | 58 | B*93 |
59 | +Rx72 | 60 | Gx72 |
61 | Bx72+ | 62 | Sx37+ |
63 | Nx37 | 64 | R*29 |
65 | P*39 | 66 | P*36 |
67 | S*61 | 68 | K-42 |
69 | +Bx63 | 70 | K-31 |
71 | +Bx36 | 72 | Rx19+ |
73 | P*23 | 74 | +Rx16 |
75 | +B-35 | 76 | R*54 |
77 | G-68 | 78 | L*55 |
79 | S*66 | 80 | P*65 |
81 | Sx55 | 82 | Rx55 |
83 | L*24 | 84 | P*21 |
85 | S-52+ | 86 | S*41 |
87 | +B-34 | 88 | +R-36 |
89 | G*22 | 90 | Px22 |
91 | Px22+ | 92 | Gx22 |
93 | Lx22+ | 94 | Kx22 |
95 | P*23 | 1-0 |
- 16.B-33
The most popular move.
11.N-33.. or 11.Bx88+ 12.SxB+ 13.Rx76... have been also played much. Another minor but playable line is thus: 11.Bx88+ 12.SxB+ 13.B*45 14.R-24 15.P*23 16.B*77 (if you had moved rook somewhere, then 17.Bx67+!! would make you serious)...
- 32.P-74
32.P*83 looks natural, but 33.Rx24 34.BxR 35.Bx11+ 36.B-33 37.+Bx21 38.G-42 39.+B-31 40.Bx99+ 41.N*34 then Sente is winning.
- 37.B*46
If you let +R escape onto 85 here, then 38.Bx88+ 39.Gx+B 40.R*79 41.S-59 42.S*78. Attacks by only 2 pieces tend to fail or not so harsh often, but this is exceptional.
- 40.B*14
40.B*55 had once been played, but now concluded as dubious because when it proceeds like the line above, Sente's king has a hatchway of 47.
- 48.S-26
Very impressive move. If you take this silver, then 50.Bx47+ 51.Gx+B 52.R*28 (or 51.Kx+B 52.R*49).
- 52.Nx33
According to a study after the game, better was 52.B*25 of which Itodani had been afraid.
Then an imaginable progress is thus:
53.K-68 54.Nx33 55.B*83 56.Rx78+ 57.Kx+R 58.G*71 59.+Rx91 60.SxB 61.SxS 62.B-58+ 63.S*69 64.+BxS 65.Kx+B 66.B*55 67.P*34 68.Bx+R 69.PxN+ 70.R*49 71.R*59 72.Rx46+ 73.S-37 74.+Rx76 75.L*79 76.+Rx67 77.P*68 78.+R-65 79.+Px32 80.K-62...
Habu disliked such like the position above and just took the pawn on 33. However, he could not get a chance no more as a result.
- 74.+Rx16
In postgame analysis they have dug deep into 74.L*54 75.P-75 76.+Rx16 77.+Bx54 78.Px+B 79.L*24 instead, which is more preserving but...
80.S*47 81.K-68... (If you take silver by gold, R*28 forking. And taking by king, then 82.B*36 83.K-56 84.R*62 85.S*53 86.P-55 87.KxP 88.+R-15 89.N-45 90.B-82 allows Gote to equalize)
80.S*51 81.S*53 82.B*36 83.K-68 84.P*21 85.S61-52+ 86.Sx+S 87.SxS+ 88.R*58 89.K-77 90.S*76 91.K-66 92.P*65 93.KxS 94.RxG+ 95.S-77 96.Px75 97.Kx65 98.+Rx67 99.P*66...
80.S*63 81.S*53 82.B*36 83.K-68 84.N-45 85.S61-52+ 86.Nx57+ 87.K-77 88.Sx+S 89.SxS+ 90.S*76 91.KxS 92.Px75 93.K-65 94.+R-15 95.N-45...Sente has some advantage each line above and others.
Solution to the last problem
(on the way to edit)